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Q.뉴저지 Sole Proprietorships Closing 절차 문의

지역New Jersey 아이디s**kdusz****
조회1,216 공감0 작성일6/11/2012 11:57:33 AM
비지니스 닫는 순서가 어떻게 되는지 제발 좀 알려주세요. ㅠㅠ

맞는지 좀 봐주세요...(짐작이라서 틀린거 많을거예요)

1. 3개월마다 보고하는 ST-50을 Trade Name Expire 되기 전에 보고하고 (수입이 없어서 전부 0으로 기입),
2. REG-C-L을 온라인으로 작성하면서 비지니스 Close.
3. FEIN 없애달라고 트렌튼 New Jersey Division of Revenue에 편지를 쓴다. (Certificate of Authority for sales tax 뒷면을 작성해서 보내면 된다는데 전 그 서류가 없는것 같아요.)
4. Bergen County Clerk 에 연락해서 비지니스 닫았다고 한다(??)


작년 9월말에 Bergen County Clerk 가서 Trade Name 등록하는데 50몇불 썼었는데요,
그때 받았던 서류에 보니 올해 6월 말에 Expire 된다고 되어있는데...1년도 안주는거네요??
비지니스 하시는 분들은 이거 이렇게 자주 가서 리뉴 하시나요? 매번 직접 가셔서요?

참!!! 저는 7월 중순쯤에 비지니스를 닫고 싶은데 (작년 9월말에 등록했었음)
Trade Name이 6월 말 Expire 되기 전에 또 돈내고 리뉴를 해야하나요?

미리 진심으로 감사드립니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
t**612**** 님 답변 답변일 6/16/2012 8:18:25 PM
Since you plan to close your NJ-based business, you must properly dissolve the business to avoid future business taxes, penalties and interest. When a business closes in NJ, you must remove the business entity from public and tax records. Otherwise, the NJ Division of Revenue will have no other way of knowing your business no longer operates. As of July 2003, the Division of Revenue automated the business cancellation process and all of the forms are available online, but certain businesses must submit additional documentation to complete the dissolution process. General proprietorships, partnerships and all other non-incorporated, for-profit businesses are not required to file for a dissolution certificate; they are only obligated to complete the business endings application. However, these business types must pay any outstanding taxes and fees and obtain a tax clearance certificate. In addition to obtaining a tax clearance certificate, you must change your tax registration records to reflect the business dissolution. You can complete the tax registration change forms, form REG-C-L, online or print and submit the form through the mail. If a business fails to properly dissolve, the NJ Division of Taxation forwards the business entity to their special procedures branch to recover outstanding liabilities. This section of the division will send you a demand of payment letter, and apply late payment fees and penalties to all outstanding liabilities. If you fail to respond to the special procedures branch's requests, the branch will forward your case to the NJ Superior Court for collection of outstanding taxes and fees, and you must pay a 10 percent collection fee in addition to the outstanding liabilities, late payment fees and liabilities. You need to pay remaining tax amounts and fees due to the NJ Division of Revenue and submit an online request to cancel the business using the NJ Division of Revenue website. Enter your 10-digit ID number issued by the NJ Division of Revenue when the business originally began operating in the state. Indicate that thebusiness operates as a sole proprietorship and communicate the date when the company came into existence. Dissolution of the NJ sole proprietorship becomes complete when tax payments are received along with the online dissolution request form.Youalso need to contact the city or county clerk's office where you operate to inform the county or city clerk's office that the sole proprietor is ending business and wants to cancel use of his assumed business name. This step is only necessary if you use an assumed name for business purposes.You also need to cancel permits and licenses with the issuing state or local agency. You must cancel all permits and licenses acquired while it was in business. This prevents you from incurring additional fees and penalties if another business uses the company's license or permit.

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