일반적으로 ESTA 로 입국한 경우에는 연장이 되지 않지만, 이민국 권한으로 코로나로 인하여서 출국을 못할 상황이라면 연기를 해줄지 말지에 대하여서 이민국이 결정을 고려해보겠다고 다음과 같이 이민국 웹사이트에 나와있으니, 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.
Flexibility for Visa Waiver Entrants. Visa Waiver Program (VWP) entrants are not eligible to extend their stay or change status. However, under current regulations, if an emergency (such as COVID-19) prevents the departure of a VWP entrant, USCIS in its discretion may grant a period of satisfactory departure for up to 30 days. Please see 8 CFR 217.3(a) For those VWP entrants already granted satisfactory departure and unable to depart within this 30-day period because of COVID-19 related issues, USCIS has the authority to temporarily provide an additional 30-day period of satisfactory departure. To request satisfactory departure from USCIS, a VWP entrant should call the USCIS Contact Center.