Q.Business Tax 관련으로 LA city에서 편지를 받았습니다.
작성일10/4/2015 12:24:19 PM
Business Tax 관련으로 LA city에서 연락이 왔습니다. 2014년의 수입은 1099-M으로 받은 4천불정도와 주식투자로 벌어들인 몇천불이 있었습니다.
1099-M으로 받은 금액은 금융회사에서 커미션으로 벌어들인 수입인데 Business Expense (자동차, 사무실 등등)으로 공제해서 거의 0으로 만들어서 세금을 Self Employment Tax는 내지 않았고 주식투자로 벌어들인 수입은 Standard Deduction으로 공제하여 내지 않았습니다.
내용은 다음과 같습니다.
the city of los angeles is currently conducting a program to identify
business that may be operating in the city without obtaining a business tax registration certificate. we have included you in this
mailing because the city received information that indicated you may be engaged in business in los angeles and are not currently registered. this notification letter is provided to inform you of the
city business tax requirements.A list of frequently asked question is attached to assist you in determining whether you are engaged in business in the city of los angeles.
A review of your 2014 tax filing with the franchaise tax board indicates you or a spouse reported business expenses or received income from a business related activity. the municipal code for the city of los angeles requires that no individual partnership or corporation shall conduct business within the city of los angeles without obtaining a registration certificate and paying applicable business taxes.
As you may be liable to pay business taxes for conducting business withinin the city of los angeles,it is important we receive a response to this current notification.if you are not liable to pay these taxes,we still require clarification from you to remove you from future mailings.
Failure to respond to this notification can result enforcement action which may include an estimated assessment or a criminal or civil complaint by the city attorney office.
To assist us in updating our records, please do one of the following within 20 business days:
- To comply with L.A.M.C. Section 21.03, complete and return the enclosed application to the Office of Finance. Please give a full explanation of your business activities. The Office of Finance will send a billing for applicable liabilities for prior tax years.
- If you believe you are not subject to the City of Los Angeles business tax, please provide a written response describing your position. Upon review of your response, you will be removed from the database or contacted for further information, if further clarification is required.
- If your business is located outside the City of Los Angeles, please provide the business address. We will update our database to reflect this and remove you from future mailings.
- If you are already registered with the City and have a valid Business Tax Registration Certificate, please provide the account number on the application and return it so that we may remove you from future mailings.
이 경우에 위와 같이 세금을 안낸 이유를 설명해서 우편으로 City of Los Angeles에 보내면 되는건가요? 저 같은 경우에 Business Tax Registration Certificate이 필요한건가요? 그리고 제가 더 알아야할 부분이 있나요?