안녕하십니까 ? 저는 조그만 한식당을 하고있읍니다 허나 요즈음 장사가 안돼서 2달 월세를 못냇읍니다 집주인이 eviction notice 보냈고 court date 은 25일로 잡혔읍니다 25일 이후 의 절차는 어떴게 진행돼는지 그리고 저는 어떻게 대처해야하는지 고견부탁드리겠으니다 , 감사합니다.
* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.
쟌 오 님 답변 [법률상담]답변일1/19/2010 11:35:34 AM
Please note, eviction cases are very different than ordinary civil cases. You only have 5 days to file an answer with the court from the date you received the lawsuit. If haven't done so, you must do so immediately. If you haven't paid rent, there usually isn't much an attorney can do for you. However, there may be a legal defense, or negotiation to stay longer. There is also the option of a bankruptcy which can prolong your stay.