1. Reinstate the loan by paying the back payments. If you ask the bank, they might sugget a payment plan to catch up.
2. You can apply for another loan modification and hope that they accept your request since you still have a month left till the auction date.
3. Apply for a shortsale and live in your property for a few months more and receive $3000 as a moving allowance.
4. File bankruptcy to postpone the sale date, but this is a temporary option which will put you back to the same situation that you are in.
5. Ask for forebearance for your hardship. The bank can spread the penaties over the life of your loan and let you pay the monthly payment.
6. Foreclosure
If you want to understand each option and need help to find out which is best, contact me for further assistance. I wish you found an answer you were looking for. Thanks.