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Q.administrator of estate

지역Pennsylvania 아이디h**bkim196731****
조회1,033 공감0 작성일3/31/2011 12:58:11 PM
Wife's name on deed and mortgage document, and she passed away.
Husband wants to sell the property as short sale. Both wife and husband lived together until wife died. Husband cant not pay mortgage payments, due to finantial situation. Does husband have ownership of the house?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

김원석 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 4/1/2011 5:17:41 AM
Yes. Title would revert to the living spouse upon the filing of an affidavit death and retitleing the property. Unless for some reason she held title in a manner that would of deeded her interest to someone else upon her death....but unlikely.

김원석 [머니/재테크]

직업 부동산 중개업

이메일 wonniekim@yahoo.com

전화 213-369-9087

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