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Q.Plastic surgery down payment.

지역California 아이디w**bstj****
조회1,444 공감0 작성일8/14/2010 1:55:48 PM
My mom wanted a breast augmentation surgery done and she
went to the plastic surgeon to get a consult.
They have said the down payment is 1500 so she paid the down payment
on Friday morning and the doctors said they will go in the surgery
on Tuesday. As soon as my mom told me this the next day
which is saturday. I told her not to get the plastic surgery
that it is very dangerous to a heavy smoker which she is.
She says that the doctors didnt mention anything like that
so she wanted called in to cancel the surgery.
The doctors said that it can be cancelled but she still needs
to pay for her silicone that they ordered specifically for her.
which is around 2400 dollars. I asked my mom if she signed any paper
regarding the down payment and the silicone that they ordered.
She say she doesnt know. My mom is very easily swayed so i talked
to the doctor myself and i told them u can keep the down payment but they still asked for the rest of the money which is about 1000 dollars
balace left of the silicone.
What should I do? I dont want my mom to pay that much money for something shes not gonna do or which she didnt sigh for. I want the 1500 dollar back also.
My mom said she didnt read the paper she signed.
So should i ask them to show me the part about the down payment
and agreements to pay for the silicone even when cancelled?
It is really difficult to have a decent conversation with these korean doctors with temper. But i need to know if my mom has liability to cancelling the surgery.
Please help.

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

허성욱 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 8/18/2010 8:35:41 AM
You will need to obtain a copy of the contract to determine whether your mother is responsible for the cost of the implants. I am no plastic surgery expert, but it would seem to me that breast implants are generic parts and not custom-made for each individual. If they are not custom-made, then it should be possible for the doctor to return the unused implants to the vendor for a refund.

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