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Q.shoplifting에 관하여2

지역California 아이디kay****
조회2,966 공감0 작성일12/22/2017 2:34:08 AM
shoplifting,금액은 $52 으로 경찰서에서 티켓을 받았는데 459.5pc로 적혀있고 misdemeanor에 표시되였는데 예상처벌이 어떻게 되는지요,이전에 올린 답변에 감사하고,다시 한번 대답 부탁드립니다.감사합니다

* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

회원 답변글
5**ea**** 님 답변 답변일 12/22/2017 8:25:44 AM
여길 참조 해 보시길 바람니다.
t**inr**** 님 답변 답변일 12/22/2017 8:30:30 AM
전문가는 아니지만 상식선에서 한마디 하지요.
우선 지금 형편에 제일 중요한것이 무었인가를 결정해야합니다. 예를들면 지금 시민이 아니고 결국 시민권을 받아야 할생각이면 체포당한 기록이 발목을 잡을수 있습니다. 그러니 그것이 중요하면 돈이 많이 들더라고 그냥 변호사가 아닌 비싸고 유능한 변호사를 써서 어떻게 하면 검사와 네고해서 그죄를 아주 가볍게 다른죄로 바꾸어서 나중에 이민국에 문제가 생기지 않게 해야합니다. 그런데 전에 올린글보니 재정상 어려워 무료 관선 변호사를 생각하고 있는것 같은데 그러면 아마 나중에 힘들지 몰라요. 아무리 체포 기록을 지워도 이민국에서보는 기록에는 남아있습니다.

그냥 그대로 재판을 받으면 그 죄는 6 개월 이하 county jail, $1000 이하 벌금 으로 처벌되는데 아마 전과 기록이 없을테니 감옥에는 가지않을거고 벌금을 낼텐데그 벌금의 금액은 판사의 몫이지요.

하여간 지금 시민이 아니면 이민국 문제가 제일 큰문제일거에요. 그렇지않으면 관선변호사 얻어 그냥 재판받고 벌금만 내시면 됩니다.
kay**** 님 답변 답변일 12/22/2017 10:57:02 AM
답변에 감사드리고 보내 주신 답변이 참고도 되고, 한편으로 위로도 됩니다 이런일이 처음이고 깊이 누우치고 있읍니다.다시 한번 답변에 감사합니다
C**scoi**** 님 답변 답변일 12/22/2017 12:52:37 PM
What you are charged with was a 459. 5 pc. I don't know where you were arrested, but normally you get arrested for 484 pc, which is better because on both 459.5 or 484 pc, the prosecutor has to prove that you had an "intent" before you went to shopping center (Costco ) Which means that you went inside the store, you already had an intention, an intention to steal (459 is a burglary, however, 459.5 is a shoplifting less than $950). I need to know that where were you arrested, outside of the store or inside of the store? And, I also need to know that the stuff that you took, did you return the stuff to them (Costco) or were them booked by the police. When it is a misdemeanor, the store people has to "write" a police report because the incident was not committed in the presence of the officer ( this is called a "private person's arrest). They had to observe what you did. They had to see it because it was a misdemeanor. Once you were booked, the jailer will give you a ticket to show up on a different date. You don't need to place a bail because normally he bail is about $500. Here, during the preliminary hearing, in court, your defense attorney will help you . If the prosecutor cannot prove that you had an intention before you entered the Costco and this is your first offense, they will likely to dismiss the case ( depends on which city you were arrested). For an example, if you invite me in to your house and I had no intention to steal anything in your house. But, when I went to your house, I liked one of your item very well and then took it. Here, I did not have an intention to steal when I went to your place and my intent happened after I went inside. This is what I called there was no intention. So, think carefully and know what you say to the judge

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