12월말 현재, 아래와 같은 4가지 조건을 만족하시면 되곘읍니다.
a. Tax Payer must be Unmarried : Single or Divorced
b. Taxpayer must have a Qualifying Person:
Qualifying Person – General Rule Qualifying Person – Exception Rule
Dependent Relative (3촌 이내 관계, unmarried Child,
c. Taxpayer must pay More Than 50% of the qualifying person’s Principal Home.
Mortgage Interest (집을 사기 위해 집을 담보로 돈을 빌린 경우에 발생되는 이자)
Property Taxes
Insurance on home
Food eaten in the home
“집 + Food”개념이면 다포함됩니다.
d. Qualifying person must live with the taxpayer for more than 1/2 of the taxable year. (Exception: If qualifying person is a parent, he/she does not have to live in the same house hold, e.g., nursing home)