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Q.리스 계약서

지역Utah 아이디z**kf****
조회1,365 공감0 작성일2/15/2013 4:16:17 PM

아래 내용은 리스 계약서의 일부로 잃어도 이해가 않되어 질문을 올림니다.

--------- 아래-------

2.3 Title to leased premises. Title to the buildings and all appurtenances thereto on the leased premises and other improvements and fixtures constructed or placed on the leased premises (except lessee’s trade fixture), whether constructed or placed on the leased premises by lessor or lessee, shall be and remained in lessor. Lessee covenants and agrees that upon expiration of the term or other termination of this lease, lessee will yield up and deliver the leased premises with all such building , improvements, and fixture upon the leased premises at such time free and clear of all lines and encumbrances of any kind. Upon termination hereof, all trade fixtures installed by lessee in the leased premises shall become the property of lessor ; provided that (1) if required by lessor lessee shall , or (2) if lessee is not then in default under any provision thereof , lessee shall have the right to, remove any such trade fixtures within fifteen (15) days following the termination of this lease; and provided further that in such event lessee shall immediately repair any damage caused by such removal to the leased premises or any other fixtures or improvements located there on.

질문 1. fixture 와 trade fixture는 무었인지요?

질문 2. 리스기간이 만료되면 어떤 조건하에서 누구의 소유가 되는 것입니까?

답변에 미리 감사드립니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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