제가 아는바로는, 멕시칸애들 sue하는 것 부지기수이고요, 해고할때에도 현명하게 하는것은 스케줄을 조금씩 줄이면서 해야지 바로 낼부터 나오지말라고 하면 문제의 소지가 있으니까요....
please no talking during work hours.
During the assigned work hours, employee should spend their time for working.
if you don't follow, you might be terminated your work or will be reduced your work hours.
그리고, 직접 말하세요... you're not here to hang out and make friends here. you're here to work!
honestly, I really don't like the way you guys constanly talking and it doesn't look right.
I'm really not happy about you guys' attitude or I'm really not happy about the way you guys work.
please do your job right.
you know that this is not right. don't make me mad. ok? or hopely you understand what I'm saying.
넌 여기 친구만들거나 놀라고 온게 아니다 일하러 온거지. 그리고 솔직히 말해서 너희가 계속 말하고 그러는건
잘못된 거 아니냐.
너내들의 일하는 태도와 방식이 난 맘에 들지 않는다. 너의 일을 맞게 해라.
내 말 뜻 알겠지?