Q.상해사건 보상금과 관련한 수입과 세금보고
작성일2/5/2018 9:05:32 PM
In Janury 20, 2018 ( this year) I got the compensation money for my personal injury case.
The defendant paid settlement money of $13,500 to my lawyer and my lawyer gave me $5,500 to me after he deducted lawyer fee and medical fee.
That is, my income is only $5,500, not $13,500.
However, today I received the tax form from the defendant. in the form my income was indicated as $13,500.
(1) how can I solve this problem?( the incorrect amount)
(2) The defendant paid the settlement amount of $13,500 to my lawyer in NOvember of 2017.
But the lawyer gave me $5,500 to me In this year ( 01-20-2018).
so my income happened in 2018.
in this case is it considered as income of the year 2017?
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