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Q.Credit Repair Scam???

지역California 아이디W**thy199****
조회1,212 공감0 작성일5/31/2019 5:44:40 AM
I'm still not sure for 100% but I think I may have been scammed by this one credit repair company. I decided to work with this credit repair company last October and paid $1,500.00 ($700 up front & $800 after the work was completed) to have my late credit card payment records removed from my credit reports. They had me sign this form which confirms these late payment accounts belong to me. They were successful in removing all of my late payments from my reports and I was able to notice significant increase on my credit score.

However, I also have some student loans and for my student loan accounts, they told me they had negotiated my student loan accounts with the original creditor of my student loans at 15% and sent them promissory note to have my accounts removed from my credit reports. They actually got deleted from my Experian and TU reports but Equifax was still showing. They emphasized the “reason” they got deleted from Experian and TU is because they had sent them promissory note and had them remove from my credit reports. Then, they told me to send them 15% settlement payment (as promised on the promissory note) by wire and Chase Zelle and I did. They told me I will be receiving debt settlement letter from Navient (Student Loan Service Provider) and that Equifax will be removing my accounts in about 4~6 weeks. I haven't received anything and nothing has been updated on Equifax. They told me to continue to wait and be patient. I paid them in March of this year and Equifax still has not been updated and I still didn't receive any kind of settlement letter. I couldn't wait any longer so when I asked them to show me the proof of documentation where they actually negotiated at 15%, they started getting agitated at me saying they cannot share their inside trade secret or something and completely stopped responding to my phone calls, texts and e-mails. I paid them $12,139 which they confirmed is at 15% of my total balance.

I could not understand why they cannot show me the proof of documentation if they actually did negotiate a settlement with the original creditor for my student loan accounts. And today, I noticed all of the student loan accounts that had previously been deleted came back up showing on my Experian report. When I asked them for the reasons, they said it's because I contacted Navient several times asking for the status of my loans (I contacted because this credit repair company stopped responding to me and I had to find out what was going on...)and our conversation had been recorded and that became proof that I do own these student loan accounts. Per them, they first disputed saying these loan accounts do not belong to me and eventually negotiated settlement with the original creditor but I messed things up by contacting Navient creating proofs that I do own these.....

Then they said in order to remove them again...they have to have me notarize documents but they haven't send them to me yet.

Above all, lack of response made me start thinking I may have gotten scammed.

When I notified my bank I may have gotten scammed, they advised me to file a police report. I have full contact information for this credit repair company and per them (I say “per them” because I no longer cannot trust them), they're located in Henderson, Nevada. I need to know what I should do. This situation has caused me so much mental and physical stress last couple of days. I managed to go to work because I had to pay my bills but had extremely difficult time focusing on my work and it affected my job performance as well.

If you need to see their latest reply regarding my status, please let me know. I will upload here.

Am I being scammed? 사기인가요?

Your advices will be very much appreciated. Thank you.


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
a**e3**** 님 답변 답변일 5/31/2019 4:51:25 PM
I neither know their trading secret nor how they operate. However, if their tactic is to dispute the correctly reported negative information to delete, then the deleted information (late payments) may reappear soon or later.

Regarding disputing your student loans as not yours, if this is true, then the company is trying to defraud the loan servicer. (I do not know if it actually works) Or if the company is BSing you to get money off of you, then they are defrauding you. Either way, they are trying to defraud someone.

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