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Q.i-751 조건해지, 범죄기록?

지역Washington 아이디a**yum****
조회1,228 공감0 작성일10/22/2019 3:13:48 PM
남편이 미군인데.. 서로 싸움이나서
Family advocacy program에서
제가 emotional abuse offender met criteria
이렇게 판정이 났어요
This is an administrative hearing to recommend treatment not to punish you
라는데, i-751 해지할때, 불이익 있겠죠?
This is not a hearing for punishment, only to provide treatment.
이거면 범죄기록이 되는건가요?

How is the data collected from the Services?
A: Each installation Family Advocacy Program enters the data in the Family Advocacy
Program central registry of its Service. The Services maintain the data in their Family
Advocacy Program management information systems and submit the data to the DoD
central registry of incidents of child and spouse abuse every quarter.
Q: Does the DoD central registry have data about what command actions or legal
actions were taken in response to the report?
A: No. It only contains information pertaining to the incident and the action of the Case
Review Committee.

이렇게 나오네요..

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

케빈 장 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 10/22/2019 4:32:39 PM

형사상 범죄로 되신것이 아니라면, 범죄기록 (Convicted) 로 간주가 되지 않을듯 사료됩니다.


케빈 장 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 khjlawcorp@gmail.com

전화 213-221-1188

케빈 장
회원 답변글
a**yum**** 님 답변 답변일 10/22/2019 5:20:26 PM
네 그런데 family advocacy program이 dod organization이여서 기록에 남는다고 하더라구요..
그래서 너무 걱정이되네요

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