Q.Q: Freedom of Speech or Hate Speech?
지역New York
작성일9/24/2019 7:02:21 AM
한인 변호사 님 들께 질문 드립니다.
저는 천주교 교인 입니다. 그리고 민사 소송 의 고소인 입니다. 그리고 제 변호사는 유태인 입니다. 또한, 제 변호사는 의뢰인 인 제가 유태인 변호사들 원고측 과 피고소인 측 변호사들의 보험 금 환불 사기 공모 혐의로 맨해튼 검찰에 “보험 금 리베이트 공모 죄” (insurance kickback conspiracy) 형사고소 했다는걸. 우연히 법정 증언 (Deposition) 중에 알게 되었습니다.
Attorney for plaintiff of Jewish woman asked to her client-plaintiff who is a Catholic and she knew that both party Jewish attorneys’ white-collar crime of insurance kickback Conspiracy and their criminal activity it reported to Manhattan D.A’s Office by client-plaintiff, during deposition. Client-plaintiff deposed about it. Then, all of a sudden, Jewish woman attorney asked me that:
Do you have any plan to take revenge action against Jewish Community?
I was stunned and I was just looked at her but she asked me same question, again.I was stunned and I was just looked at her but she asked me same question, again.
Clearly, she incited to expose the ‘criminal activity’ against Jewish Community by Roman Catholic client – plaintiff that speak out about his religious hatred or racial hatred against Jewish Community with cherry-blossom feigned face with attempted to frame him who has plan to do violent Hatred Crime against Jewish Community. Now, she knowingly asked or illegally interrogated Catholic client-plaintiff, incited to expose his ‘Hatred Crime’ against Jewish community, twice.
New York State has clear strong ‘Anti-Discrimination’ public policy that Jewish lawyer’s question: Freedom of Speech or Hate Speech ?