Q.투자 문의
작성일10/1/2019 4:54:48 PM
안녕하세요, 작은 투자를 하나 하려고 하는데
최종본은 아니지만, 사인해도 안전한 계약서인가요?
Investment Loan Contract
This Investment Loan contract (the “Agreement”), made on ___________________, the “effective date”
by ,
________________, also known as (회사이름) (the “Company”) and, ___________________,
(The “investor”) an individual sole proprietor.
Whereas the Company and Investor agree to the loan amount of $금액 The “Investment”
영업type intended to be located at:
Repayment of Investment:
The Company shall pay the investor, in consideration of the Investment;
A.Ten percent (10% of invested money) per month, from January 1, 2020- October 1, 2020, for, the repayment of theInvestment.
The Company in addition shall pay the Investor, in consideration of the investment
B. Profit Participation: Ten Percent (5%) of Gross Company receipts of operation annually and shall
continue so as long as the company is generating income in monthly payments made on the tenth,10th of
every month. Less A-C listed within this agreement.
(A) Rents/Mortgage
(B) Employee salaries
(C) Utilities
Investor Rights and or Investment Ownership: Investor has no ownership of corporation, and thus holds
legal liability or obligations to (회사이름). Investor understands that earnings gained is only for
One (1) location and not for the entire corporation or other franchises (회사이름).
C. Default: Shall the Company default, Company shall reimburse any monies due to investor, at that time,
no later than Sixty (60) days of default.
D. Breach and or Default; It is understood that any dispute as to the repayment and or investment, will be
determined by submission to arbitration as provided by California law, and not by a lawsuit or resort to
process except as California law provides for judicial review of arbitration proceedings. Both parties to this
contract, by entering into it, are giving up their constitutional rights to have any such dispute decided in a
court of law before a jury, and instead are accepting the use of arbitration