Q.Joint tax report - after marriage
작성일2/22/2016 12:55:47 AM
Fact ; married on 1/ 30 this year 2016
여쭙고자 하는 질문
i want to report - 2016 ( for 2015) until/before 04/15/2016
So i want report tax report this time with my spouse
in the form of joint -tax return report
But somebody say - the basic date/ criteria /tax report base
is 12/30/2015
SO , " I think you need to report - just only you/ seperately "
이번에 joint 로 Income 보고 report 하고 싶은데 -
어떤 문제가
혹시 있는 것인지요 ?
감사합니다 !
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