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Q.FATCA/FBAR 보고기준문제 도와주세요

지역California 아이디s**er0****
조회4,593 공감0 작성일3/25/2016 1:37:36 PM
Reporting by U.S. Taxpayers Holding Foreign Financial Assets

FATCA requires certain U.S. taxpayers who hold foreign financial assets with an aggregate value of more than the reporting threshold (at least $50,000) to report information about those assets on Form 8938, which must be attached to the taxpayer’s annual income tax return. The reporting threshold is higher for certain individuals, including married taxpayers filing a joint annual income tax return and certain taxpayers living in a foreign country (see below).

As of January 2013, only individuals are required to report their foreign financial assets. At a later time, a limited set of U.S. domestic entities also may have to report their foreign financial assets, but not for tax years starting before 2013. There are some exceptions to the requirement that you file Form 8938. For example, if you do not have to file a U.S. income tax return for the year, then you do not have to file Form 8938, regardless of the value of your specified foreign financial assets. Also, if you report interests in foreign entities and certain foreign gifts on other forms, you may just list the submitted forms on Form 8938, without repeating the details.

You may have to complete and file other reports about foreign assets, such as FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) (formerly TD F 90-22.1), in addition to Form 8938. For more information, see “Form 8938 Does Not Relieve Filers of FBAR Filing Requirements” below.

Reporting Thresholds

Reporting thresholds vary based on whether you file a joint income tax return or live abroad. If you are single or file separately from your spouse, you must submit a Form 8938 if you have more than $200,000 of specified foreign financial assets at the end of the year and you live abroad; or more than $50,000, if you live in the United States. If you file jointly with your spouse, these thresholds double. You are considered to live abroad if you are a U.S. citizen whose tax home is in a foreign country and you have been present in a foreign country or countries for at least 330 days out of a consecutive 12-month period.

Taxpayers living abroad. You must file a Form 8938 if you must file an income tax return and:
•You are married filing a joint income tax return and the total value of your specified foreign financial assets is more than $400,000 on the last day of the tax year or more than $600,000 at any time during the year. These thresholds apply even if only one spouse resides abroad. Married individuals who file a joint income tax return for the tax year will file a single Form 8938 that reports all of the specified foreign financial assets in which either spouse has an interest.
•You are not a married person filing a joint income tax return and the total value of your specified foreign financial assets is more than $200,000 on the last day of the tax year or more than $300,000 at any time during the year.

저는 한국에 2015년3월부터 지금까지 1년이상 장기체류중 미시민권자고 싱글입니다 저에게 7만불이상의 한국에 어카운트가 있습니다 저의경우는 FBAR 은 보고대상이지만 FATCA 는 대상자가 아닌것이지요? 저위의 내용은 IRS 웹에서 본것인데 저의경우 해당이 안되는거 같은데 해당된다고 하는분도 있어서 문의드리는 것입니다
정확하게 설명해주실 세무사님이 계신지요 감사합니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

에드워드 김 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 3/25/2016 1:46:33 PM
1. 2015년은 FATCA /FBAR 보고 대상입니다

2. 2016년은 아직 결정되지 않았습니다. 만일 2016년 중에 미국에 방문하여 35일 이상 거주하면 FATCA /FBAR 보고 대상입니다. 미국을 나가 330일 거주 기준에 통과하면 FBAR만 해당이 됩니다.

에드워드 김 [머니/재테크>세금/세무]

직업 공인회계사

이메일 edwardkimcpa@gmail.com

전화 213-384-1182

사무엘 이 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 3/25/2016 8:58:34 PM
소득세법이 인정하는 장기 체류자가 되지 못합니다. 시민권자이면 SameTax Year 즉 1/1/-`12/31사이에 330일 이상을 채제하였어야 하는데 2015년 3월부터이므로 채제일수가 모자랍니다. FATCA는 싱글이고 12/31일 현재 $75,000 또는 세금년도에 단 하루라도 $50000이상되면 보고하여야 합니다.
2015년까지는 6/30일까지 별도보고이고 2016년부터는 개인 세금보고시 함께 보고됩니다.
회원 답변글
s**er0**** 님 답변 답변일 3/25/2016 5:32:40 PM
답변감사합니다 2015년3월부터 지금까지 한국있는것인데 330일 거주기준에 해당이 안된다는것인가요??
k**h**** 님 답변 답변일 3/27/2016 7:29:14 AM
한국말을 잘 못 알아듣는 모양인데 매년 330일. 2016년 1월1일부터는 다시 330일을 계산합니다.

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