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Q.실업수당에 대하여

지역California 아이디c**exki****
조회1,907 공감0 작성일5/19/2010 2:32:24 PM

09년9월 실직된후 실업수당을 신청하여 1차 26주간의 수당을 거의 다받은 싯점 입니다.
물론 직장을 구하려 백방으로 알아 보고 있느나 일이 구하여 지질 않읍니다.
아마 더 많은 시간이 걸릴것 같읍니다.

당장 실업수당이 끊기면 하루 살기가 힘든 실정 인데...
EDD 싸이트를 보니 연장에 대하여 언급 된내용이 있는데, 자세히 이해가 가질않읍니다.,
아래 내용 혹 정확히 번역 가능하시면 부탁드리고, 현재 싯점에서 실업수당의 연장에 대하여 아시는분 계시면 자세한 내용 부탁드릴께요.

1. 연장은 몇번까지 가능 한것인지?
2. 각 연장 때마다 실업 수당 지급은 어떻게 변하는지?
예) 1차 Regular는 26주 지불 인데, 이후 연장시는 어떻게 되는지?
3. 연장시 따로 EDD에 요청 하는 서류가 있는지?

아시면 회신 부탁드리고 아래 내용 번역 부탁합니다.

Federal Unemployment Insurance Extensions
(Updated May 5, 2010)en Español

On April 15, 2010, President Obama signed legislation approved by the U.S. Congress that extended the filing deadlines for federal extensions of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. The legislation did not add more weeks of unemployment benefits to the federal extensions. It only extended the deadlines for filing the federal extensions.

The current legislation also extends the additional $25 stimulus payments on each week of UI benefits currently being paid by the federal government.

For the More Recently Unemployed
For now, the current legislation makes Sunday, May 23, 2010, the deadline for filing a first federal extension of benefits, once a regular UI claim runs out. Someone who receives their last payment on their regular state UI claim for a week that ends after Saturday, May 22, 2010, will not be eligible to start the first of the four federal extensions currently available because the filing deadline for the first extension in the chain is Sunday, May 23, 2010. Such a situation would apply to someone who started a typical 26-week regular state claim any time after November 15, 2009.

However, even after that date, someone could still possibly qualify for the separate FED-ED extension of benefits if they haven’t already collected on this special extension. Learn more about the FED-ED extension program which provides up to 20 weeks of additional benefits. A FED-ED extension on top of a regular state UI claim (up to 26 weeks) brings the maximum total of benefits available to 46 weeks if the individual is prevented from qualifying for the other federal extensions.

It is possible though that if federal filing deadlines and 100% federal financing are not further extended, and California continues to meet the threshold for FED-ED benefits, rules governing the FED-ED extension program will reduce the total benefits available from 20 weeks to 13 weeks. That could occur after Saturday, June 12, 2010. If this happens and a claimant is affected by this change, he or she will be notified by mail. You are encouraged to closely monitor this EDD Web site for the latest updates.

For Those Already on a Federal Extension
The current legislation extended the filing deadline for beginning a second, third, or fourth federal extension to Sunday, May 30, 2010. Anyone just completing one level of the extensions and needing to continue on to another level, will be able to do so by this deadline. Those who exhaust any level of extension after Saturday, May 29, 2010, will not be eligible for any further levels of extensions unless Congress once again changes the filing deadlines.

It is possible, however, that even if some of the four federal extensions would not be available to individuals, they may still potentially be eligible for the separate FED-ED extension if they have not already collected on a FED-ED. For now, that special extension provides up to 20 additional weeks of benefits. Learn more about the FED-ED extension program.

It is possible though that if federal filing deadlines and 100% federal financing are not further extended, and California continues to meet the threshold for FED-ED benefits, rules governing the FED-ED extension program will reduce the total benefits available from 20 weeks to 13 weeks. That could occur after Saturday, June 12, 2010. If this happens and a claimant is affected by this change, he or she will be notified by mail. You are encouraged to closely monitor this EDD Web site for the latest updates.

For Those Currently on a FED-ED Extension
If Congress does not take action to extend the current version of the FED-ED extension law, and California continues to meet the threshold for FED-ED benefits, a FED-ED extension may be reduced from a maximum of 20 weeks of benefits to 13 weeks of benefits after Saturday, June 12, 2010. If this happens and a claimant is affected by this change, he or she will be notified by mail.

Once claimants have collected all available benefits on their regular claim or extension, EDD will notify the claimant on their UI check stub if further extended benefits may be available based on the current federal filing deadlines. You are encouraged to closely monitor this EDD Web site for the latest updates.

For Those Running out of All Available Benefits
There are currently up to 99 weeks of UI benefits available to assist those who have been unemployed for a longer period of time. This is unprecedented in the federal extension program. While Congress and the President have addressed the deadlines allowing for more time for the more recently unemployed to qualify for the existing extensions of benefits, there is currently no legislation that would add any more weeks of benefits to the maximum total. Therefore, unemployed workers who have used all benefit weeks available through their regular state UI claim, the first, second, third, and fourth federal extensions, and the separate FED-ED extension (a maximum total of up to 99 weeks for those who qualify), do not have any additional weeks of benefits to claim.

As of May 3, 2010, more than 101,000 claimants have fully exhausted all benefits and this number will continue to grow by several thousand each week because at this time, Congress is not considering adding any further weeks of benefits to the maximum of up to 99 weeks available. Those who have exhausted all regular and extended benefits will receive a Notice of the Exhausted Unemployment Benefits letter.

EDD is providing information about other resources and services that can help those running out of all unemployment benefits if they need additional assistance. Notices will be sent to advise these unemployed workers about local One-Stop Career Centers to provide job search and training assistance, state and local social assistance programs to help families with everything from cash aid to food stamps and child care, and WEConnect resources to connect families with other valuable services.


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
r**arqu**** 님 답변 답변일 5/20/2010 3:22:55 PM
요즘은, 정확하지는 않지만, 최고 85주까지 연장이 되는것으로 알고 있고, 연장할때쯤 되면 form이 배달됩니다. fill up 하셔서 보내면 될겁니다.
s**pletouc**** 님 답변 답변일 12/11/2010 5:02:03 PM
각종 번역 신속하고, 정확하게, 그리고 저렴하게 해 드립니다.
의학, 한의학, 생명공학, 유전 공학 ,학생 리포트, 논문, 이력서 도와드립니다.
미국, 중국, 베트남 현지에서 직접 합니다.
E-mail: info@translationsimple.com
Tel: 866-402-8866 (미국)

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