[정부혜택서비스] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.부부 합산 연금소득 세금보고

지역California 아이디t**oeki****
조회1,561 공감0 작성일6/16/2010 3:09:27 PM
부부 합산 연금 수령액 이 약 $2800.00/월 예정입니다.
이 경우 년말 소득 신고및 세금 관계는 어찌되는지 조언부탁함니다

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
t**612**** 님 답변 답변일 6/16/2010 11:52:46 PM
QUOTE," . . 약 $2800.00/월 예정입니다. 이 경우 년말 소득 신고및 세금 관계는 어찌되는지 . . ."--Yo bud, U will have to pay federal taxes on your benefits. if u and ur spouse have a total income that is more than $32,000.
For example, let's assume that ur only income source is ur Soc.Sec. benefits, $2,800*12=$33,600; So $33,600>$32,000 threshold for MFJ, married filing jointly status. Ur taxable soc. sec. benfits r $800; Lesser of 50% of ur soc. sec. benefits or 50% of excess of ur provisional incoem, in this particular case $33,600; Ur marginal individual incoem tax rate is imposed on the taxable soc. sec. benefits, $800. Suppose ur tax bracket is 25%, then ur tax liaiblity on the taxable benefit b $200; U report $800 on line 21b on form 1040, provided u file ur1040 tax form.
In the case of other retirement benefits, I mean,i.e., retirement pension or annuities, suppose u receive the benefits from a qualified employer retirement plan, the amounts you receive may be fully taxable, or partially taxable, depending on if you have no cost in the contract ; for instance, if ur employer did not withhols any cent from ur paycheck, or u actually never contributed any cent into the benefit plan(s); then all of the benfit distributions r taxable, FULLY, not partially, bud!!!
But if u contributed ur after tax dollars from ur paycheck into the plan, then ur distributions r partially taxable.
Report ur IRA distributions on line 15 of form 1040. Report ur pension and annuity distributions on line 16 of 1040.
If u rolled over ur IRA, enter the amount u rolled over in line 15a and write the word "Rollover" next to line 15b
and so on...
Hope this helps, bud~~~~~~~

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