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Q.SSI vs. Income

지역California 아이디b**sdj****
조회1,717 공감0 작성일6/7/2011 6:49:35 PM
What is the amount of income you can have in California and still get SSI?
Thank you in advance.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
j**eshan**** 님 답변 답변일 6/8/2011 5:31:25 PM
Please contact your CPA or SSA Office for correct answer............
s**i716**** 님 답변 답변일 6/17/2011 9:04:44 PM
In order to be eligible for SSI in California, your income must be less than the following income limits:
Individual – $1,433, $694 (whose income is not from wages), married couple – $2,107, $1,031.
On the other, some of your income is neither countable nor added to the income limits.
Such noncountable incomes include: (1) First $20 of any income except in-kind support and public aid, (2) first $65 and half over $65 of earned income. Here, earned income means your income from employment or self-employment.
Additionally, SSA doesn't count income tax refunds; food stamps; and grants, scholarships, or gifts used for tuition and educational expenses.

Sungjin Ji, Esq.
Immigration / Estate Planning / Social Security Act
(213) 739-1496

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