[건강] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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지역California 아이디k**o****
조회1,245 공감0 작성일6/19/2009 10:52:11 PM
제네릭 시알리스나 바이아그라를 구입하고저 하는데

의사처방이 있어야 합니다.

처방전만 받고저 하는데 어디로 가면 좋을 까요

아시는 분 계시면 고맙겠읍니다.


* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

회원 답변글
y**ngshinja**** 님 답변 답변일 6/19/2009 11:44:33 PM
의사 처방전 있어야 합니다.

처방전 받으시려면 주치의나 비뇨기과 의사 만나시면 됩니다.
t**inr**** 님 답변 답변일 6/20/2009 6:15:54 AM
I don't think there's generic Viagra or Cialis yet. Their patents have not expired. It maybe possible someone might have infringed Viagra/Cialis patentsand make them(probably in China), but they are illegal and available only through mail / internet orders. You never know what you are getting when you deal with illegal products especially that is originated from China. Sometimes you are lucky to get something that does not actually harm you. I've heard illegal drugs are not effectiv. It's a fake with no active ingredient so that they will not be punished for harming the public in case they get caught. If you want to try, see a family practive doctor, he will give you a bottle of sample. The realthing costs a lot, but don'tget something through mail order/internet without first trying the real thing. You would not know you paid for fake that does not work. If you have health insurance, all you need is a co-pay to get free samples. Good luck.
x**al**** 님 답변 답변일 6/21/2009 5:13:14 PM
솔직히 말씀드려서....한인운영의 약국에 가시면....처방전 없이도 구하실수 있습니다. 제가 구입해서 한국에 보낸경험이 있습니다. 그리고...먼저 답글 달아주신 분처럼....이약은 아직은 제네릭이 없는걸로 압니다.

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