노동청에 신고를 하시고, 해당 공판에 나가시거나, 노동법 변호사를 선임하셔서 민사소송을 진행하실수 있으니, 이점 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.
I'm currently a student at the University of Notre Dame. Due to the pandemic, I worked for a contractor online as a summer job. Before starting, I signed a contract stating that I will be paid $50 a week with 3.25% commission and a $100 in signing bonus. He agreed to pay me every 2 weeks; however, when payday came, he delayed my payment. Now, I've worked for him a total of 7 weeks, with only being paid the $100. I have not received any commissions. He has blocked me and has not returned any of my calls. What should I do? I know I can make a report to the LWDA, but they require you to come to the hearing. Since I will be going to school in a couple of weeks, I realize I will not make it to the hearing. What should I do to get my money? Thank you!
* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.
노동청에 신고를 하시고, 해당 공판에 나가시거나, 노동법 변호사를 선임하셔서 민사소송을 진행하실수 있으니, 이점 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.
법률 노동법/상법
Paid Sick Leave 사용시 가게 주인이 바꼈을시, 추가 되는가 ? + 1
법률 노동법/상법
교통사고환자 치료후 변호사와 치료비분배 관련해 분쟁이생기면 어디에 어필하나요?