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Q.1099G는 어디에 사용해야 하는지요?

지역California 아이디j**122****
조회2,131 공감0 작성일2/3/2018 5:35:18 PM
프랜차이즈 택스보드로부터 1099G를 받았습니다
2017년 택스보고시 어디에 기입하고 참고해야 하는건가요?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

김종갑 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 2/4/2018 9:55:00 PM

아래를 참조하세요

Taxable unemployment compensation

Generally, you must include in taxable income any unemployment compensation from a state government. Box 1 of the 1099-G Form shows your total unemployment compensation payments for the year. Regardless of whether you file a 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ, the form includes a separate line for unemployment compensation in the income section. The amount from box 1 needs to be included in your income, but it is not necessary to attach the 1099-G to your tax return.

State tax refunds

When you receive a refund, offset, or credit of state or local income tax, that amount appears in box 2 of the 1099-G form. However, you don't necessarily have to report this amount on your federal tax return or pay additional federal taxes. You only need to report it as federal income if you took a federal deduction for paying those taxes in a prior year and that deduction actually reduced your federal taxes. Box 3 of the form will indicate the relevant tax year

김종갑 [머니/재테크>세금/세무]

직업 미국 연방세무사

이메일 jstax82@naver.com

전화 010-4080-0321

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