[정부혜택서비스] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.사회복지 수혜시 한국 방문 기간 제한?

지역New York 아이디b**ji****
조회3,930 공감0 작성일11/8/2021 5:17:03 PM
사회복지혜택시 한국 체류 기간이 30일을 초과할수 없는 혜택은 어느 것입니까?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

김영산 님 답변 [연방사회보장국] 답변일 11/9/2021 9:55:03 AM

“need based” 의 federal programs :  메디케이드,SSI,SNAP등은 보고의 의무가 있는데 . . .

REPORTING RESPONSIBILITIES < - - - 여기 링크 참조하시고 . . .

 "Leaving the U.S. for a full calendar month or for 30 consecutive days or more."

"The Social Security Act requires penalties when an SSI recipient fails to report changes on time that adversely affects SSI benefits  . . ."

사항을 적시에 정확하게 보고하지 않으면  . . . 

"We may 
overpay you and you may have to pay us back. 
We may apply a penalty 벌금 부과 that will reduce your SSI payment by $25 to $100 for each time you fail to report a change to us, or you report the change later than 10 days after the end of the month in which the change occurred.

If you knowingly make a false or misleading statement or knowingly fail to report important changes, we may impose a sanction 제재 기간 against your payments.  The first sanction period is a withholding of payments for 6 months.  Subsequent sanction periods are for 12 months and then 24 months."

https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=ko&op=translate  <- - - 구글 번역기

김영산 [연방사회보장국]

직업 부동산 브로커

이메일 sunnyyssmile@gmail.com

전화 747-244-5928

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