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Q.New Medicare card

지역California 아이디s**gkkim52****
조회1,339 공감0 작성일5/24/2018 8:24:23 AM
지난 4월 부터 새 Medicare card가 발송 된다고 하였는데 아직 받지 못하였습니다 좀더 기다려야 합니까? 아니면 어데로 전화 문의를 해야 합니까?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
b**tch**** 님 답변 답변일 5/26/2018 11:58:51 AM
California 인 경우 New Medicare Card Mailing 일정은 5월부터 시작하였습니다.
4월에 New Medicare Card 를 이미 받으신 분은 올해 65세가 되시는 분입니다.

New Medicare Card Mailing Strategy

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is required to remove Social Security
Numbers (SSNs) from all Medicare cards by April 2019. A new, unique Medicare Number is
replacing the SSN-based Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) on each new Medicare card.
Starting April 2018, CMS is mailing new Medicare cards to all people with Medicare on a flow
basis, based on geographic location and other factors.

These mailings will follow the sequence outlined below. Additional details on timing will be
available as the mailings progress. Starting in April 2018, people with Medicare can get
information about the mailings and sign up for emails about the status of card mailings in their
area on Medicare.gov/NewCard.

Alaska, American Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon
Beginning May 2018

AGA (Applied General Agency) Inc.
Bart (Myeon) Cho / Korean Team Manager
Cell. (213)479-0066 Fax (213)402-2069
e-mail : bartcho@bartchoins.com

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