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Q.park ranger 되기

지역California 아이디s**im586****
조회3,078 공감0 작성일5/12/2011 10:23:11 PM
Park Ranger 가 되려면 어떤 자격과 과정을 거치는지요? 영어는 어느정도인지요? 혹시 아시는 분들의 도움을 바랍니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
b**ce722**** 님 답변 답변일 5/20/2011 1:49:39 PM
경찰 공우뭔과 비슷합니다
y**n1**** 님 답변 답변일 5/20/2011 3:05:32 PM
If you want to start your career as GS-5 (approx 32,000 a year), you must have Bachelor degree, unless you have some experience as GS-4 level.

** Key points:
U.S. Citizen or National
pre-employment drug, alcohol testing, physical exam, physical test
background investigation
valid state driver's license
Law Enforcement Commission or training completion (for law enforcement position)
must be able to obtain CPR, AED and First Aid Certifications

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