Temporary Relocation (leave)에 관하여
'얼마'를 보상해야 하는지를 직접적으로 규정하는 법은 없으나,
"California Health and Safety Code Section 캘리포니아 보건 및 안전법 섹션 17980.7(d)(3). 는
집주인이 합당한 이주 혜택 'reasonable' relocation benefits. 을 제공하도록 요구합니다."
"Certain landlords work out an arrangement to pro-rate the rent for the month,
while others divide the monthly rent by 30,
then compensate you for the number of days you relocated.
Other landlords agree to put tenants up in modest hotels for the duration of the treatment."
Los Angeles County CONSUMER & BUSINESS AFFAIRS Housing & Tenant Protections
에 의하면. . .
"Relocation assistance is based on the size of the unit and
not the number of tenants in the unit . . .
Tenants who are temporarily displaced for 30 days or less must be provided a per-diem (an allowance or payment made for each day).
The current per-diem rate is $207 per night (including taxes),
plus an additional $66 per adult for meals and incidentals and $33 per child, 12 and under.
per-diem rate은 1박당 $207(세금 포함)이며 + 식사 및 부대 비용에 대해 성인 1인당 추가 $66 이며,
12세 이하 어린이 1인당 $33 이며 (2021 년),
This rate is based on the Federal General Services Administration per diem rate for lodging in Los Angeles County, which is updated annually.
Note: Landlords must first obtain approval from the County before issuing a Notice of Temporary Relocation to their tenant(s)."
협상이 안될경우 Questions? (833) 223-7368
Los Angeles County CONSUMER & BUSINESS AFFAIRS 로 연락하여
최근 2022년 per-diem rate 등 자세한 문의 하시기 권합니다.