[주택/부동산] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.어렵게 숏세일이 끝난는데...

지역Florida 아이디rus****
조회2,209 공감0 작성일4/29/2012 5:02:26 PM
한달전에 숏세일을 끝내서 클로징을 했었습니다..

그런데 오늘 한통의 레터를 받았는데요..

"notice of dismissal and discharge of lis pendens"

라는 것을 받았는데요..

혹시 이것이 무엇인가요?

법원에서 보낸것 같기도 하고 은행측 변호사가 보낸것 같기도..

혹시 아시는분 답변 부탁 드리겠습니다..
전문가님 꼭 답변 부탁 드립니다.

감사 합니다,.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
r**dl**** 님 답변 답변일 4/29/2012 5:34:48 PM
어디서 보냈는지 봉투에 안써있나요? 발신인 표시없는 백지봉투로 보내진 않앗을 텐데..
m**allyuny**** 님 답변 답변일 4/29/2012 6:23:55 PM

Probably, the lender's attorney or the county court / county clerk had mailed that letter of legal notice to you ( the defendant ) as a written proof that your lender's legal complaint against you has been dismissed or cancelled.

It 's a legal notice that the legal complaint against you has been cancelled or dismissed at the request of the plaintiff ( lender / bank ) , and this notice of lis pendens, which is a legal notice filed in the place where deed is recorded showing that the property may be seized to pay the debt, is also null and void.

Please make sure that the order of dismissal has been filed by the plaintiff in your local county clerk's office. This dismissal notice needs to be publicly recorded in the local county clerk's office so that you are legally discharged or no longer held legally responsible for the discharged or cancelled debt / loan.

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